ALDA 5.56
Stun Grenade
Frag Grenade
He can equip an armor box, much like Rook, from which he can get his specialized body armor. It changes him into a 3 armor- 1 speed operator, but he also gets less damage from bullets and explosives, and he's immune to fire while wearing it. His armor set also includes a gas mask, so he can safely go through Fenrir mines and Smoke gas. It can be toggled off once not needed, however it has max. 2 uses in a round and there is a 9 sec cooldown between charges. You also cannot use your secondary weapon or secondary gadget while in the armor.
He can equip an armor box, much like Rook, from which he can get his specialized body armor. It changes him into a 3 armor- 1 speed operator, but he also gets less damage from bullets and explosives, and he's immune to fire while wearing it. His armor set also includes a gas mask, so he can safely go through Fenrir mines and Smoke gas. It can be toggled off once not needed, however it has max. 2 uses in a round and there is a 9 sec cooldown between charges. You also cannot use your secondary weapon or secondary gadget while in the armor.
He's part of the Wolfguard squad of Team Rainbow, as he excels in rescue operations and clearing rooms. His roles: -Frontline -Support
harold areclos
Hellenic Navy